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Wednesday, May 21

11:00am EDT

Welcome from NASIG Board and Announcements
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:00am - 11:15am EDT
Join the NASIG Board for an overview of the conference and daily announcements.
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:00am - 11:15am EDT
Zoom channel 1

11:15am EDT

Metadata in the Disciplines: Social Justice Through Infrastructural Literacy
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
At a time when academic departments are often pressured to compete for limited funding and status in
both the public and institutional eye, one thing every discipline has in common is metadata. At the same
time, it is through the often underexamined (by non-librarians) information infrastructures within
academia that inequities are perpetuated: troublesome subject headings and taxonomic practices,
exorbitant vendor pricing and dubious data privacy practices, the ongoing insinuation and
commoditization of generative AI, and so on.

Library workers are uniquely positioned to call out the political aspects of information
infrastructures—and many of us try to do so but are limited by time constraints and competing priorities
in information literacy one-shots, for example. Drawing from Nicole Starosielski’s work on
communications and media infrastructures as well as Sofia Leung and Jorge López-McKnight’s Knowledge
Justice and providing examples from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, this talk
would illuminate how collaborations across public services, technical services, and departmental faculty
can promote a deeper understanding of the component pieces of research and scholarship and of how
to combat the biases that structure them.

Lynne Stahl

Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies Librarian, Wesleyan University
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Zoom channel 1

12:30pm EDT

Accessibility Reviews: How To
Wednesday May 21, 2025 12:30pm - 1:15pm EDT
The presentation will cover various steps in the development of an accessibility review process:

Identifying institutional accessibility guidelines
Assign staff and establish a regular review schedule
Determine the platforms that will be included
Select appropriate methods for scanning and reviewing accessibility
Establish a process for reporting results
Identifying and working with stakeholders for each platform
Sharing reports with relevant parties
Providing options for addressing common accessibility issues
How to Organize or store annual reports effectively
avatar for Katherine Greene

Katherine Greene

Associate Director for Resources and Copyright Support, Dahlgren Memorial Library, Georgetown University Medical Center
Katherine Greene is the Associate Director for Resources and Copyright Support at Dahlgren Memorial Library where she has worked on a variety of different tasks and projects since June of 2014. She earned her MSLS degree at The Catholic University of America in May 2014.
Wednesday May 21, 2025 12:30pm - 1:15pm EDT
Zoom channel 1

1:30pm EDT

Vendor Lightning Talks
Wednesday May 21, 2025 1:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Wednesday May 21, 2025 1:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Zoom channel 1

2:15pm EDT

Library Data as Enterprise Data
Wednesday May 21, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
Librarians, especially in technical services and collection development, regularly work with data to perform a variety of analyses. Often, these activities are project based or performed annually, which makes it difficult to repeat previous analyses. Further, data points can change over time due to system migrations and changes to standards, such as moving from COUNTER 4 to COUNTER 5. Overall, this can leave librarians unsatisfied with current data practices even though they are essential in making decisions in collection development and other areas.

Enterprise data strategy provides a framework for thinking about an organization's data and how to make it trustworthy, actionable, and secure. It provides details to concepts such as data governance and security; best practices to technical aspects like data storage, processing, and analysis; and clarification to data team member roles and skills required.
This presentation will introduce these enterprise data concepts, and present examples of how it can be used in an academic library. The case study is our library's project to implement an enterprise data environment using the Microsoft Fabric platform, of which Microsoft Power BI is a component. By linking the broader concepts to a case study, the presentation will show one of many ways to implement an enterprise data environment in an academic library setting, allowing attendees to imagine how they might approach such a solution depending on the tools and professional skills in their library.
While implementing an enterprise data environment requires a significant investment of time and resources, it allows for more trustworthy and secure data that is more engaging to library stakeholders, such as liaisons and administrators, both inside and outside of the library.

Further, by thinking of library data as enterprise data, librarians can ingest data from any library source system (such as a room reservation system, or reference tracking system), allowing for a robust and comprehensive view of the library's collections and services down the road. Finally, librarians in technical services and collection development are uniquely equipped with the technical skills and systems thinking required to undertake and maintain such a project.
avatar for David Arredondo

David Arredondo

Collection Services Librarian, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska at Kearney
I have been in my current position since 2018. My background is primarily in acquisitions, e-resources, and collection development. More recently, I have been exploring concepts of business intelligence and have been using Power BI for several years and Fabric for about a year. I... Read More →
Wednesday May 21, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
Zoom channel 1

3:15pm EDT

Wednesday May 21, 2025 3:15pm - 4:00pm EDT
The Snapshot Sessions will consist of five-minute presentations with a focus on an idea, project, workflow, etc.

Wednesday May 21, 2025 3:15pm - 4:00pm EDT
Zoom channel 1

4:15pm EDT

Gotta Catch ‘em All: Using Article Galaxy Scholar to Plug Gaps to Article Access at the University of Arizona Libraries
Wednesday May 21, 2025 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
In the summer of 2021, the University of Arizona Libraries (UAL) implemented Reprint Desk’s Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS), a tool that enables users to order on-demand articles not available through the library’s subscriptions. Typically used as a supplement to interlibrary loan services, AGS was adopted by UAL for a multi-year pilot project to address key questions about the library's collection. The pilot aimed to identify which disciplines would most benefit from faster article access compared to the standard interlibrary loan turnaround time, uncover potential gaps in collection coverage across disciplines, and explore opportunities to improve article request fulfillment times.
avatar for Teresa Hazen

Teresa Hazen

Department Head, University of Arizona Libraries

Cynthia Elliott

University of Arizona Libraries

Daricus Larry

University of Arizona Libraries
Wednesday May 21, 2025 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
Zoom channel 1
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