About me
I am the Collection Development Librarian at Portland State University Library and have over 20 years of academic library experience. I have held leadership positions in ALA ALCTS, ER&L, and NASIG. In 2015, I served as the ALA-NISO representative to vote on NISO/ISO standards on behalf of the American Library Association. I also serve on the Project COUNTER Executive Committee. In addition, I serve as a member of The Charleston Advisor editorial board and am the columnist of “Heard on the Net,” and am on the editorial board for Insights: the UKSG journal. In 2016, I became a co-editor of the open access journal: Collaborative Librarianship and held this position for 5 years.
Working with Graham Stone, Senior Research Manager, Jisc, & Peter McCracken, Electronic Resources Librarian at Cornell University. I have written a book on streamlining open access workflows with electronic resource management. This work builds on work with Graham Stone which received the 2015 Ingram Coutts Award for Innovation in Electronic Resource Management.